A. Grimaudo, J.R. Hoyt, S. Yamada, C. Herzog, A. Bennett, and K.E. Langwig. 2021. Host traits and environment interact to drive host-pathogen coexistence following pathogen invasion. Ecology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13942.


K.E. Langwig, J.P. White, K.L. Parise, H.M. Kaarakka, J.A. Redell, J.E. DePue, W.H. Scullon, J.T. Foster, A.M. Kilpatrick, and J.R. Hoyt. 2021. Mobility and infectiousness in the spatial spread of an emerging fungal pathogen. Journal of Animal Ecology 90, 15: 1134-1141. 10.1111/1365-2656.13439

J.R. Hoyt, A.M. Kilpatrick, and K.E. Langwig. 2021. Ecology and impacts of white-nose syndrome on bats. Nature Reviews Microbiology 19, 3: 196–210. 10.1038/s41579-020-00493-5

A.C. Hicks, S. Darling, J. Flewelling, R. von Linden, C.U. Meteyer, D. Redell, J.P. White, J. Redell, R. Smith, D. Blehert, N. Rayman, J.R. Hoyt, J.C. Okoniewski, and K.E. Langwig. 2021. Environmental transmission of Pseudogymnoascus destructans to hibernating little brown bats. bioRxiv. 10.1101/2021.07.01.450774

S.R. Hopkins, J.R. Hoyt, J.P. White, H.M. Kaarakka, J.A. Redell, J.E. DePue, W.H. Scullon, A.M. Kilpatrick, and K.E. Langwig. 2021. Continued preference for suboptimal habitat reduces bat survival with white-nose syndrome. Nature Communications 12,166. 10.1038/s41467-020-20416-5


A.M. Kilpatrick, J.R. Hoyt, R.A. King, H.M. Kaarakka, J.A. Redell, J.P. White, and K.E. Langwig. 2020. Impact of censusing and research on wildlife populations. Conservation Science and Practice 2, 264. 10.1111/ csp2.264

J.R. Hoyt, K.E. Langwig, K. Sun, K.L. Parise, A. Li, et al. 2020. Environmental reservoir dynamics predict global infection patterns and population impacts for the fungal disease white-nose syndrome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 13, 117: 7255–7262. 10.1073/pnas.1914794117

M.A. Aberle, K.E. Langwig, J.S. Adelman, and D.M. Hawley. 2020. Effects of bird feeder density on the foraging behaviors of a backyard songbird (the House Finch, Haemorhous mexicanus) subject to seasonal disease outbreaks. Canadian Journal of Zoology 98, 9: 611-621. 10.1139/cjz-2019-0282

M.G.M. Gomes, R.M. Corder, J.G. King, K.E. Langwig, C. Souto-Maior, et al. 2020. Individual variation in susceptibility or exposure to SARS-CoV-2 lowers the herd immunity threshold. medRxiv. 10.1101/2020.04.27.20081893.t


K.E. Langwig, M.G.M. Gomes, M.D. Clark, M. Kwitny, S. Yamada, A.R. Wargo, M. Lipsitch. 2019. Limited available evidence supports theoretical predictions of reduced vaccine efficacy at higher exposure dose. Scientific Reports 9, 3203: 1-6. 10.1038/s41598-019-39698-x

M.A. Ange-Stark, T.L. Cheng, J.R. Hoyt, K.E. Langwig, K.L. Parise, W.F. Frick, A.M. Kilpatrick, M.D. MacManes, J.T. Foster. 2019. White-nose syndrome restructures bat skin microbiomes. bioRxiv. 10.1101/614842

J.R. Hoyt, K.E. Langwig, J.P. White, H.M. Kaarakka, J.A. Redell, K.L. Parise, W.F. Frick, A.M. Kilpatrick, J.T. Foster. 2019. Field trial of a probiotic bacteria and a chemical, chitosan, to protect bats from white-nose syndrome. Scientific reports 9, 9158. 10.1038/s41598-019-45453-z.2018

J.R. Hoyt, K.E. Langwig, J.P. White, Kaarakka, H., Redell, J.A., Kurta, A., DePue, J., Scullon, W.H., Parise, K.L.,J.T. Foster, W.F. Frick, A.M. Kilpatrick. 2018. Cryptic connections illuminate pathogen transmission within community networks. Nature. 710-713.


K.E. Langwig, A.R. Wargo, D.R. Jones, J.R. Viss, B.J. Rutan, N.A. Egan, P. Sá-Guimarães, M. Kim, G. Kurath, M.G.M. Gomes, and M. Lipsitch. 11/25/2017. Vaccine Effects on Heterogeneity in Susceptibility and Implications for Population Health Management. mBio, 8, 6: e00796-17.

K.E. Langwig, J.R. Hoyt, K.L. Parise, W.F. Frick, J.T. Foster, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 1/1/2017. Resistance in persisting bat populations after white-nose syndrome invasion. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B. 10.1098/rstb.2016.0044.

W.F. Frick, T.L. Cheng, K.E. Langwig, J.R. Hoyt, A.F. Janicki, K.L. Parise, J.T. Foster, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2017. Pathogen dynamics during invasion and establishment of white-nose syndrome explain mechanisms of host persistence. Ecology, 98, 3: 624-631.


K.E. Langwig, W.F. Frick, J.R. Hoyt, K.L. Parise, K.P. Drees, T.H. Kunz, J.T. Foster, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 10/24/2016. Drivers of variation in species impacts for a multi-host fungal disease of bats. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 10.1098/rstb.2015.0456.

T.L. Cheng, H. Mayberry, L. McGuire, J.R. Hoyt, K.E. Langwig, H. Nguyen, K.L. Parise, J.T. Foster, C.K.R. Willis, A.M. Kilpatrick, and W.F. Frick. 8/30/2016. Efficacy of a probiotic bacterium to treat bats affected by the disease white-nose syndrome. Journal of Applied Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12757.

J.R. Hoyt*, K.E. Langwig*, K. Sun, G. Lu, K.L. Parise, T. Jiang, W.F. Frick, J.T. Foster, J. Feng, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2016. Host persistence or extinction from emerging infectious disease: insights from white-nose syndrome in endemic and invading regions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 283. *co-first authors

M.Q. Wilber, K.E. Langwig, A.M. Kilpatrick, H.I. McCallum, and C.J. Briggs. 2016. Integral Projection Models for host-parasite systems with an application to amphibian chytrid fungus. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12561.

J.R. Hoyt, K. Sun, K.L. Parise, G. Lu, K.E. Langwig, T. Jiang, S. Yang, W.F. Frick, A.M. Kilpatrick, J.T. Foster, and J. Feng. 2016. Widespread bat white-nose syndrome fungus, northeastern China. Emerging infectious diseases, 22: 140.


J.R. Hoyt, T.L. Cheng, K.E. Langwig, M.M. Hee, W.F. Frick, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2015. Bacteria isolated from bats inhibit the growth of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose syndrome. Plos One, 10: e0121329.

K.E. Langwig, J. Voyles, M.Q. Wilber, W.F. Frick, K. Murray, B.M. Bolker, J.P. Collins, T.L. Cheng, M.C. Fisher, J.R. Hoyt, D. Lindner, H.I. McCallum, R. Puschendorf, E.B. Rosenblum, M. Toothman, C.K.R. Willis, C.J. Briggs, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2015. Context dependent conservation responses to wildlife disease. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(4): 195-202.

W.F. Frick, S.J. Puechmaille, J.R. Hoyt, B.A. Nickel, K.E. Langwig, J.T. Foster, K.E. Barlow, T. Bartonička, D. Feller, A. Haarsma, C. Herzog, I. Horacek, J. van der Kooij, B. Mulkens, B. Petrov, R. Reynolds, L. Rodrigues, C.W. Stihler, G.G. Turner, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2015. Disease alters macroecological patterns of North American bats. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 741-749.

K.E. Langwig, W.F. Frick, R. Reynolds, K.L. Parise, K.P. Drees, J.R. Hoyt, T.L. Cheng, T.H. Kunz, J.T. Foster, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2015. Host and pathogen ecology drive the seasonal dynamics of a fungal disease, white-nose syndrome. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282.

K.E. Langwig, J.R. Hoyt, K.L. Parise, J. Kath, D. Kirk, W.F. Frick, J.T. Foster, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2015. Invasion dynamics of white-nose syndrome white-nose syndrome fungus, Midwestern United States, 2012-2014. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 21, 6.

J.R. Hoyt, K.E. Langwig, J. Okoniewski, W.F. Frick, W.B. Stone, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2015. Long-term persistence of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose syndrome, in the absence of bats. EcoHealth, 12: 330-333.


J.D. Reichard, N.W. Fuller, A.B. Bennett, S.R. Darling, M.S. Moore, K.E. Langwig, E.D. Preston, S. von Oettingen, C.S. Richardson, and D.S. Reynolds. 2014. Interannual survival of Myotis lucifugus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) near the epicenter of white-nose syndrome. Northeastern Naturalist, 21: N56-N59.

J. Voyles, A.M. Kilpatrick, J.P. Collins, M.C. Fisher, W.F. Frick, H.I. McCallum, C.K.R. Willis, D.S. Blehert, K.A. Murray, R. Puschendorf, E.B. Rosenblum, B.M. Bolker, T.L. Cheng, K.E. Langwig, D.L. Lindner, M. Toothman, M.Q. Wilber, and C.J. Briggs. 2014. Moving beyond too little, too late: Managing emerging infectious diseases in wild populations requires international policy and partnerships. Ecohealth:1-4.


K.E. Langwig, W.F. Frick, J.T. Bried, A.C. Hicks, T.H. Kunz, and A.M. Kilpatrick. 2012. Sociality, density-dependence and microclimates determine the persistence of populations suffering from a novel fungal disease, white-nose syndrome. Ecology Letters, 15: 1050-1057.


J.T. Bried, K.E. Langwig, A.A. Dewan, and N.A. Gifford. 2011. Habitat associations and survey effort for shrubland birds in an urban pine barrens preserve. Landscape and Urban Planning, 99: 218-225.

C.A. Dobony, A.C. Hicks, K.E. Langwig, R.I. von Linden, J.C. Okoniewski, and R.E. Rainbolt. 2011. Little brown myotis persist despite exposure to white-nose syndrome. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, 2: 190-195.

A.P. Wilder, W.F. Frick, K.E. Langwig, and T.H. Kunz. 2011. Risk factors associated with mortality from white-nose syndrome among hibernating bat colonies. Biology Letters, 7: 950-953.


W.F. Frick, J.F. Pollock, A.C. Hicks, K.E. Langwig, D.S. Reynolds, G.G. Turner, C.M. Butchkoski, and T.H. Kunz. 2010. An emerging disease causes regional population collapse of a common north american bat species. Science, 329: 679-682.